I'm definitely going to do one of these soon, probably on the wall by the stairs, with the collection of postcards,photos,pictures and prints that I've amassed over the years.
Do you have a picture wall in your house? Or do you prefer pictures to stand alone?
Take a look at these great prints from The Paris Print Shop, Nichole and Evan Robertson take pictures of, and illustrate, their lives in Paris and the results are beautiful. Read more about them here......
Take a look at these cards and tea towels from illustrator Sophie Parker, she also sells lovely bags and prints over in her shop, the tattooed animal tea towels are my favourites, they'd make drying up a bit less boring!
"That beautiful season the Summer! Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow